Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Becoming the Best Employee Ever Is Actually Pretty Simple
Becoming the Best Employee Ever Is Actually Pretty Simple Becoming the Best Employee Ever Is Actually Pretty Simple I dont have any employees, leidhave Ibeen an employee myself in years. However, I am a consultant. And as a consultant, I hear a lot.Not too long ago, in a seminar on human resources management, the discussion turned to what makes an employee valuable. The topic intrigued mebecause the managers in that room were from two generations baby boomers and Gen. X-ers. Thecomplaints of managers from both generations seemed to focusa lot on the way in which millennials approach work. The word that kept popping up was entitlement According to many people,millennials seem to feel entitled to great benefits and flexible work hours, but they lack any dedication to their jobs and companies.I leftthat seminar with a goal in mind to survey all of the organizations with whom I have worked over the past several years and ask them to list the most important qualities of their best empl oyees. I had hoped there would be common threads that united great employees across industries and organizations and, indeed, there were.Here are the topeight qualities that respondents to my survey listed as characteristics of their best employees. I hope that job seekers will have a look at this listandreflect on how these traitswill help them find success in their careers1. CharacterTo say someone has character can mean a lot of things, but here is how the managers with whom I spoke defined it First and foremost, characteris honesty.A number of the respondents added sub-traitslike trustworthiness and upstanding.Managers want employees who stick by their ethical principles and never discarding them for the sake of expediency.2. DependabilityDependability boils down to trust. Employers want to be able to trust their employees to fulfill theirresponsibilities without lots of hand-holding, coddling, orcontinual monitoring.One of the complaints Ive often heard isthat millennials seem to want to work on their own schedules, but they dont realizetheir schedulesimpact the schedules of their fellow team members.Employers wantemployees who understand thatdeadlines exist for a reason and that they haveresponsibilities to their colleagues.3. BroadSkill SetsThis was the only trait among the top eight that related to hard skills. Of course, employees who have the skills needed for a specific position are good candidates for that position. Employees who keep learning and broadening their skill sets are even more valuable.One respondent used a real estate analogy to explain the importance of employee skill setsWhen we buy a home, we do things over the years that will increase the value of that home. We make improvements. Managers want employees who work to increase their own value to an organization by adding to their skill sets and bringing mini-skills to the table as well.4. Self-DisciplineThis trait is of extreme value. When an employee can be given a long-term task an d has the ability to tackle it on their own and meet all the deadlines with no prodding, a manager has one less thing on to worry about.Managers want to see employees who can manage their time well and who will stick with something, no matter how tedious or how challenging it may be. They want people who, when facing a task, will not give in to distractions or find excuses.5. AttentivenessThis one was a bit of a surprise. I did not think that it would be among the top eight,but sure enough, it is.Employers like employees who are attentive listeners, especially during meetings and conversations. Many employees are so benton making themselves positions heard that they fail to listen. Miscommunication and misunderstandings are the result, and these are never good.6. InitiativeThis was high on everyones list and also a cause for complaint during the seminar. The employee who fulfills the responsibilities outlined in their job description brings value to an organization, but the employe e who goes above and beyond to improve the organization overall is absolutely invaluable.These employees are continually engaged at work and are busier than most of their colleagues because they think outside the box.7. DedicationEmployees who are dedicated to their own success tend also to be dedicated to the success of the organization provided that they are not unethical in their pursuit of personal success, of course.8. DiligenceThis last trait relates to many others on this list, and that is why it is bringing up the rear. Diligence, according to respondents to my survey, means seeing things through and not giving up when things see insurmountable.Employees who exhibit diligence do not have thatsense of entitlementthatmany of the managers in the seminar complained about. Instead, these employees feel that they owe their diligence to the companies that their diligence is what earns themthe benefitsthey desire.Anumber of other traits popped up duringmy survey, but these top eig ht encapsulate all the most important aspects of what it means to be a great employee. Think of this as a checklist the more value you can bring to an organization through these traits, themore career success you will see.
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